Do I need a Water Softener?
Do you need a Water Softener? Frustrated by cloudy glasses and dishes with water spots straight out of the dishwasher? Perhaps you live in a hard water area. You can check to see whether you live in a hard water area by your postcode with a hard water postcode checker. Usually, you can usually find this on your water suppliers’ website.
Why does it happen? When hard water molecules are warmed up in kettles, warewashers etc. the hardness can precipitate as scale. Scale blocks & damages pipes, reduces the effectiveness of your appliances, causes limescale build up, incurs higher electricity & gas bills, and means longer cleaning times.
What can you do? Either buy a warewashing machine with an integrated water softener or purchase an external water softener- a compact unit that will lower operation costs and improve the performance and lifespan of your warewasher.
We stock a wide variety of warewashing machines & accessories to suit all budgets and type of operations and can give you expert advice as to which machine will best suit your needs.
One of our most popular external Water Softeners is the DC WS16Dial Manual 16L