Air & Surface Sterilisers

HyGenikx is an advanced and compact, wall mounted air and surface hygiene steriliser, proven to eradicate bacteria and viruses throughout the food service & hospitality environment, washrooms, changing rooms and beyond, in terms of applications.

Microorganisms are deposited on surfaces from the air where they continue to grow, magnifying odour issues and the risk of infections. In 8 Hours, a single Bacteria cell can multiply to over 8 Million, meaning that health risks and odours remain a major problem. Standard room cleaning and disinfecting procedures can only offer a temporary solution. As soon as an area is cleaned the airborne microorganisms immediately begin to settle, recolonizing the surfaces and increasing the odour and infection problems. Many operators still only use fragrances which attempt to mask odours and do not target the source; the contamination both in the air and on surfaces.